A Question
I hate to go for ever without posting; this is travel season, and it’s hard to find a moment to sit at the keyboard. But you didn’t really want to know that, did you?As I try to organize some thoughts, let me get some input on something. From reading the New Testament, do you believe that Christianity was designed to be an assembly-driven religion? The old covenant wasn’t; most worship was done on an individual basis, sabbath was a family time, not a corporate time. The whole synagogue system came about much later than the time of Moses. Unity came from everyone doing the same things, not necessarily doing them together.
Modern Christianity is built around the Sunday assembly. Is that what you see in the New Testament? I’ve got some thoughts, but really want to hear yours. I’ll lower myself and beg for comments this week, even if it’s a simple yes or no. Is New Testament Christianity an assembly-driven religion?
I respectfully and carefully request that you reexamine the Old Testament Congregation. But then that would depend on when you examined it and made these determinations. Wouldn't it?
During the Wandering when God was their leader?
During the time of the Judges when they were their own individual leaders? BTW: look at how Judges ends. It describes your understanding of the OT Congregation AND it says basically 'that's not the right way'.
During the time of Kings when they rejected God for a King?
During the divided Kingdom when they were not a Kingdom?
NO WAY am I going to touch the NT aspect :)
I guess my priority is what was was instructed by God, more than what was actually practiced. For example, I don't know if the Israelites ever practiced the year of Jubilee. But I do know what God said they should do.
Again, I'm more than open to correction. Do you see a commandment in the Law for a regular Sabbath assembly?
Any pointers as to specific passages for this "reexamination" would be helpful. I'll do my best on my own, but I'd appreciate any help.
Oops, I read too quickly. You did offer me one verse to look at, which I think was this one: "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." Yes, that verse definitely sums up the message the writer of Judges wanted to convey.
Help this thick-headed one... how does that describe my understanding of OT congregation? Saying that they were not commanded to assemble weekly DOES NOT mean that each man was left to his own whims.
Grace and peace,
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